Time flies and they finally leave the camp to walk a bit before the next night. The day’s event won’t allow them reach Dragon Peak that day, so they need to stop and set up camp for another night.
Before dinner, Lauren sits down and peeks at Håkan’s sachet. “Do you still keep the mouse?”
“Cold feet?”
“Cold feet is that mouse?”, asks Darn
“ Poor Taverline”, whispers Mari, looking at the Lady’s tent. She has been silent most of the travel.
“She needs medicine” Darn makes a poker face
Håkan offers again to make dinner. Mari shivers. “Shouldn’t you learn cooking first, PLEASE? We can't live forever from Kyle's apple pies”
“Why not?”, asks Lauren innocently.
“Hey, hey”, agrees Kyle “I want to replace the cooker”. Darn nods eagerly and drags Kyle to the cooking spot dancing and singing, already cured from his depressive mood that morning. Håkan sighs.
“Then I’ll go to check how the Lady is going”
“One minute in the mouth, all the life in the hips”, mumbles Mari, though she doesn’t really have that problem.
“What hips exactly, Mari?” asks Lauren looking at Mari from up to down.
“YOURS”, says Mari giggling
“ I suggest you people to run”, mutters Darn seeing Lauren’s face, who reacts as if she thought she had hers and Mari's
“SAY WHAT?”, yells Kyle.
Mari grins at Kyle. Her hips are only noticeable when she’s naked, so he has had a glimpse after all. George roars with laughter “Moar applepie for Mari!”
“I love apple pie ...”, sighs Zara. “I haven't eaten it in years, but i remember it was very good”
So after dinner, Kyle comes back with an applepie and offers to everybody, included Mari. His girlfriend eats it willingly.
“What was that?”, asks Darn receiving his piece.
“Mari you need to grow strong to give Kyle a lot of children”, says Lauren approvingly “EAT APPLEPIE, WUMAN”
Darn looks approvingly on Lauren
Mari looks at Lauren astonished. “What?”
Lauren smiles.
"We will feed you, or force you to eat", agrees Darn
“But I always eat a lot!!”, Mari protests, her mouth full of pie. “I… I just burn it fast!”
“Like you force duck to eat huh bro", asks Kyle chuckling
“We need you to have a hip”, continues Darn, obviously a bit drunk, “so you will lay down”
“Exactly”, agrees Lauren
“ Lauren will have something to make Mari have hip”, adds Kyle. “right Lauren?”
Lauren wants lots of nieces and nephews!!
“Heyheyhey this conversation is getting a bit...”, stammers Mari.
“A bit what?” laughs Kyle
“ WHAT’S THE PROBLEM WIHT MY HIPS?”, Mari finally shouts.
“We need larger family”, adds Darn.
“Will teach them to catch frogs!!!!”, claps enthusiastic Lauren.
“ ooo catch bugs as well”, says Darn excited too.
“and catch mouse”, finishes Kyle
“ uh…no”. ponders Lauren. “mouses are too smart, and they like tits… too pervert for children”
“okay frogs”, snorts Kyle
“We will have a large family with lot of...pets”, is laughing Darn
“Yeah, seing where did the last one hide”, Mari is starting to have fun too.
“Hey, that mouse is special”, Zara assets. “Give him time. I’m sure he isn’t evil”
“Cold feet is cuteh”, says Lauren
“Yeah. But seeing where he hid, I wouldn't trust”, smirks Mari “Specially when we learn he's a shapeshifter or something”
“He just wanted a warm place, the poor thing”, pouts Lauren.
“Ah, he just wanted to be warm”, agrees Zara, and laughs. “Mari! so suspicious”
“Hey, he chose a warm and comfortable place”, insists Lauren “smart mouse”. Then she touches her nose, thoughtful. “meh, I'm not worry, that mouse swings both ways anyway…went for Andy first”
“Well actually he went for the Lady first”, says Mari “Before dinner”
“Ooookaaay, my argument is invalid”
“I like that mouse”, says Kyle. “But I like cook too”, he adds, offering more applepie to Mari.
“Then he mistook Andy”, Lauren wonders.
“As everybody does”, Mari nods, taking the applepie happily.
“… and thought he was a woman?”
“ Hey he saw a lot of blond hair over the pillow And thought "There's my lady!" That mouse has a thing for blondes”
Kyle chuckles, and Zara laughs too. “Poor mouse”
“Exactly”, says Lauren as if she had realized something.” but then...he discovered Andy had…” and suddenly blushes.
“Tits” mumbles Kyle laughing. Mari looks at him shocked.
“Hey! You learn too fast!”
“Sorry”, he says laughing, like a naughty child. “So it means?”
“No, I meant...if mouse thought Andy was a girl...” continues Lauren “and then he discovered the "surprise"
“ Hahha, he was looking for Andy's tetas?” laughs Mari
“Probably “
“Cannot unsee”
“The mouse would have thought "wait...this is not... where are the...OH MY RODENT", and tries to escape running”
“Aargh, chest hair!”, Mari agrees.
“What chest hair?, Is laughing Lauren.
“She mean Håkan?” Kyle asks, a bit lost.
“That explains A LOT”, laughs Mari. “Ok, chest fuzz”
“Andy is a true anders”, Lauren agrees, “and he only has chest fuzz”
“Aargh, chest pelusa! ”, corrects Mari. “Even that would be creepy in a woman”
“That's why cold feet escaped”, ponders Lauren. “Poor thing, he was scared”
“Trouble cargo I must admit”, says Kyle looking at the lady’s tent.
“We should have let them take the lady and kept the gifts”, Mari says with a wicked smile. “Now that I think about it, I could have even borrowed her wedding dress... Naaah too wide… The Lady had hips. And tits…I would look like a scarecrow”
Lauren giggles, and Kyle laughs out loud.
“As a pet?”, asks Darn, who was a bit absent of the conversation.
“A pet?”
“The scarecrow”
“ No, I mean I'd look like one”, Mari clarifies. “Because of the wide dress”
“Ah sorry”, nods Darn. “I have a pet… occasional one”.
“I have enough with a frog and a mouse, thank you very much”, adds Lauren
“ Hey the mouse is Andy's, you greedy!”, replies Mari. “Your pets are George and Andy anyway”
“Lauren is busy woman”, smiles Darn.
“I take care of a cat”, confess Mari, “Which doesn't mean I have a pet”
“I take care of a cat and my falcon”, says Kyle.
“I have no pets”, says Zara as if they were a waste of time.
“Falcon tim”, mumbles Darn. “Really?”
“So what darn?”
“No, just… good name for your bird”
“I gave the mouse to Andy”, says Lauren concerned, “but I wouldn't be surprise if he'd use it to attract a cat”
“Cold Feet would not like that at all”, shakes her head Zara.
“ Cold Feet”, whispers Lauren dreamy.
“Gah if I had not been busy trying to get that ladyrapist from over my Kyle”, regrets Mari, “ I would have tried to catch the mouse myself”
“ I freeze at that time”, Kyle complains. “Don’t stare at me”
“Yes yes,”, says Darn in his defense. “he is not to blame letting her sit in his lap”
“You did it great?”, Mari says with a smile. “…Except for one thing… LOVERS???? When was that happened???”
“Oops sorry”, blushes Kyle, aware that they have never had Tui♥SkyTui♥SkyTui♥Sky before “my bad. Wrong words”
“ And why don't I remember it????”, Mari says laughing
“Maybe you were drunk”, ponders Lauren, thinking Mari is serious. “I told you not to drink so much ale...”
“Ohh, our bathing strory?”, remembers Darn, getting it quite wrong, since the one unconscious was Kyle and not Mari. “Sorry Kyle”
“ I prefer drunk to avoid all problem”, the knight sighs.
“Mari is ALWAYS drunk”, says George.
“Poor Mari”, giggles Zara. “Gets what she wants and can't remember it”
Mari laughs out loud, then Darn spoils the mood. “Zara is not allowed to drink alcohol”
“wh-what??”, says Zara “since when?”
“Ha, make her”, says Mari in her behalf.
“ you heard me woman”, says Darn, authoritary.
“ but . . . but . . . i really like whiskey. maybe i need to rethink this.”
“Since when you can demand zara which she can drink or not, darn?” asks Kyle
“ And how are you supposed to prevent her from drinking alcohol?”, adds Mari, pragmatical, “Unless you watch her day and night?”
“ well . . . he tries”, sighs Zara. Darn whispers something to Zara and smiles a little. She smiles back at him, warmly, and the couple gets up and says goodnight.
Mari cuddles Kyle "Don't be afraid, I'll protect you from evil Lady Taverline"
George sits down close to the fire and pulls his old, tattered fur coat close around him. It's really cold out now. Not the best time for camping outside. Kyle find something in his pack, puls out a blanket and give it to George. Lauren sits by the fire too and shivers for a moment under the cloak. She isn't used to the weather outside the tower yet So when George takes the blanket Kyle offered him, he sees Lauren freezing too and passes it to her.
Lauren shakes her head and snuggles up under the cloak "No thank you, George, I'm ok, really" She gives him a little reassuring smile. George nods and pulls the blanket around himself on top of his coat
“Finally alone at last”, smiles Kyle, hugging Mari a bit apart from the others.
“ Awww, that sounds so romantic!!”, says the elf getting closer to him.
Kyle slowly stays back “Ehhh but but I'm not saying...
Håkan comes back from the Lady’s tent feeling very alone, if even Lauren ignores him...
“He's alive!!!”, says Mari watching Håkan getting out of the Lady's tent
“Indeed”, mumbles Kyle. “What… you think he is…?”
“I have seen things...”, mumbles Håkan, in shock “Horrible... horrible things...My harrowing was less dangerous...”
“What was so horrible, Håkan ?”, asks Kyle getting up, glad for the interruption.
"I don't doubt that." George looks at Håkan with wide eyes of terror.
Mari smiles wickedly and pats Håkan’s arm “It must have been terrible for someone who doesn't like girls...”
“ I do like girls, Mari...”
“ Ah. I always forget”, grins the elf. “Must be the hair”
"Yes... how can you like girls when you have that haircut?" George looks at Håkan with true confusion
“ See? That's my point”, says Mari triumphally.
Kyle sigh and pats at Håkan’s back, staring at Mari “hey hey”
“…but not when they ask me if they are pretty even if they have puffy eyes from crying and makeup all over the place”, continues Håkan “She didn't take well the fact that her soon-to-be husband tried to sell her to antivans”
“Don't be so mean, poor girl...”. Lauren frowns. She then takes a book out of her satchel and tries to find where she last stopped reading. Then she glances back at the mage. “Oh but I do like his haircut!”, she adds, turning the page. “It hides his ears”
“Ah, me too”, admits Mari. “If I ever cut my hair I think I'll copy that style”
Håkan ignores George. “My- my ears? What do my ears have wrong?” he says touching them.
“They're like...too rounded”. Lauren turns another page and frowns again
Mari sees Kyle yawn “Are you bored, sweetheart?”
“Ah no Mari”, says the knight. “I’m just tired”
“ Because I can pay you more attention if you want”, she adds, with a catlike smile.
“Maker bless me”, sighs Kyle.
George opens his pack and takes out a potato. He picks up a stick lying on the ground and roasts the potato over the fire.
"Hey Håkan.... Have you ever licked a potato in winter?". George wags his eyebrows at Håkan, licking the roasted potato
“Have you ever licked the elbow?”, joins Kyle.
“Whose elbow?”, asks Mari, thinking it is a trick question.
“You can't lick your elbow...”, Lauren states the obvious.
“But you can lick someone elses elbow...”, George eats the potato, following Mari’s reasoning.
Lauren giggles "Geeeorge!"
“That was my point”, agrees Marilyn.
“No, no, I can”, brags Kyle with a smile.
“I don't believe you”, says Mari. “Show us!”
“Yeah... I won't believe this until I see it”, agrees George
“If you need to take your armor off I can help you”, says the elf wickedly, and Kyle starts regretting his challenge.
“It's physically imposs...” starts Lauren, turning another page. “Mari! “Can't you just glomp him?”
“What? Making him to take his armor off?”, scowls the elf “I'm starting to believe so”
“Oops, helll noooo”, complains Kyle waving his hands. “I'm just kidding to change the air”
“I can lick YOUR elbow, if you want, Kyle”, Mari whispers at his ear, causing him to freeze and stand like a scarecrow.
“Well your tongue will get stuck at that”, he finally says, blowing a bit of steam because of the cold. She can’t help but giggle.
“I don't think I understood you, George”, says Håkan
“Really? What was unclear? potatoes... licking...” teases George “you...”
Mari leans her head over Kyle's lap and wraps herself in the blanket to listen to the conversation. Kyle strokes her hair as if she were a child, making he purr. He smiles and mumbles: “Bad kitty”, and Mari makes a cat face as only answer.
Lauren looks at George and then at Håkan. She wonders if she should leave them alone. Håkan deserves a good man, after all. The thought makes her blush and she decides to focus on her book and ignore them. He reminds her so much of her sister Nora, with that haircut! She just wants him to be happy.
Håkan thinks "why me?"
George chuckles at Lauren blushing. He starts roasting another potato. Potatoes WILL get him warm again dammit! "Don't we have any alcohol around here? Everything gets funnier when Mari is drunk."
“ Can't you take alcohol out of potatos, George?”, Mari teases.
"But I need those potatoes for eating......", George protests.
“ I think I have some wine in my waterskin…” mumbles Mari, getting up to fetch it.
“She can’t get drunk as long as I am here”, frowns Kyle. Mari shows her tongue at him and he hits the wood of the fireplace as if it was an enemy.
Mari comes back with the waterskin and offers it to George. “Here, it's not a good wine, but it can get you warm”
George accepts the waterskin. "Better than nothing!" and takes a big sip of the wine.
Lauren shakes her head again when she feels something in her curls.Ambrose falls on the book “Oh Ambrose, there you are”. Kyle sees Tim the falcon stare at Ambrose
Mari follows Kyle’s gaze. “Falcons eat frogs?”
Lauren protects the frog with her hands “I hope they don't”
Kyle shakes his head, realizing Tim was just seeing through Ambrose. Mari hopes Tim isn't looking at Cold-feet. Falcons DO eat mice. But Cold feet is safe in Håkan’s satchel.
"Should I pass this around?", says George pointing at the waterskin.
“Oh please...”, scowls Håkan “We don't want to spoil your fun, George”
Lauren shivers "Please?"
George ignores Håkan and passes the waterskin to Lauren. "You want?"
Lauren grabs it "yes please" She takes a little sip and returns the waterskin with a little smile. Then she snuggles up under the cloak again "thank you George"
Tim the falcon flaps his wing “Is Tim okey, Kyle?”, asks Mari.
“Mmm, it just feel bothered by something, I think”, he says.
George quickly takes another sip and offers the waterskint to Mari, who turns to Håkan “Do you want?”, but the mage is absent, looking at Lauren.
George feels slightly warmer. Mari is a bit tired of being ignored by Håkan. “Want to drink or not, Håkan?”
“No thanks”, says Håkan shaking his head “I think I'll go to bed and try to sleep a while. Wake me up if somebody attack camp, or... dunno, kidnaps our cargo again”
Lauren waves “Good night, Hoejkan!”
“Ok, take care of wild mice. Good night!!!”” Mari shrugs.
“niiight Hoakan”, adds George with creepy voice “Dream nice dreams”
“Night Håkan”, says Kyle too. “In the Fade”
Mari passes the waterskin to Kyle. “That's enough Mari, give it to George”, he says.
“I still haven't drunk yet, Kyle” Mari takes a sip from the waterskin, since nobody else is interested, but Kyle takes the waterskin of Mari
“ Hey! I had not finished yet?”, she protests.
"so... what do you think is going to happen if we confront that man our dear lady rapist was suppose to marry?", asks George reaching for the waterskin "more please" he shivers. Kyle hands it to him.
Mari glares at Kyle "You're no fun"
George takes another big sip and then hands it to Mari "I'm fun though" he says and smiles
“Why I need to be fun when you want to get drunk?” frowns Kyle. Then he turns at George and say: “just keep it George, she drank enough”
“I don't want to get drunk, I just want to get warm” Mari broods at Kyle. She has hardly had a sip. What is he thinking?
Lauren turns another page and yawns “I feel bad for Lady Taverline, she may be...well, she, but no one deserves that”
“I still have the contract I looted from the Nevarran bandit”, says Mari “ut I think we shouldn't confront the groom himself… Maybe the Bann?”
Kyle stays silent when he hears “the Bann”
"really? why?" asks George
“ Because if it was the groom who hired him, I don't think it is a good idea to go and call him "bastard" to his face”, she explains. “Better to show the proof to his father”
“Well... true. But I want to meet this lovely man”. George says "lovely" with sarcasm
“Yes, but he'd deserved that...”, adds Lauren.
“Yeah, but he has already tried to kill us once”, says Mari wisely “I'm not going to risk anything telling him "We know your secret"”
“Fine, logic and being reasonable it is then” George sighs
Mari realizes Kyle is silent and throughtful and understands his reasons “I'm sure the bann is a good man, sweetheart” and hugs him innocently to make him feel better
George is wondering why Kyle is so silent "You know the bann?"
“I'm not sure for now, Mari”. Then he turns to George. “Actually, I know a little”
Lauren raises her head from the book and pays attention to them
“It's ok if you don't want to talk about it... I was just curious”. George doesn’t understand. Mari wonders if the others know the reason why they accepted the quest… or if they did even read the note at the quest board at the inn.
“Have you ever hear my surname?”, asks Kyle, gloomy.
"no. Sorry", says George. "I guess I never asked"
Lauren Lauren shakes her head too “”
George "oh... and?"
Mari shows them the note which was at the Merry Mabari. After reading it, Lauren looks at Kyle and raises her brows. “Your father?”
Kyle looks back at Lauren with eye innocent, shaking his head. “I dont know… since Lirya didnt know about that too. Maybe he’s just a sibling”
“Sorry... Who's Lirya?”, asks George, still lost. Same with Lauren, who asks too "Lirya...?", realizing how little they know about them all
Kyle facepalms “Oops sorry”
“His mother” helps Mari “Or... more accurately, the woman who cared of him”
“The elf bard who raised me”, points Kyle, “for your information”
“Oh. You weren't raised by your parents then?”, says George, and then retreats. “I'm sorry if I'm asking too many personal questions”.
Lauren smiles “But Kyle this is good! maybe you can learn something about your family”
Mari feels relieved “That's what I told him”
Kyle pokes at the ground “Don’t know why I have a bad feeling”
“....but... you can't know until you meet him”, insists Lauren.
“ My point, too.”, agrees Mari. “Though I must admit the groom didn't give us the right impression”
Lauren touches one of her curs and tries to find appropriate words “his son...well, you know...but we don't know everything, do we?”
“Maybe, maybe not” mumbles Kyle “My mind rings the bell alarm. I shouldn't have joined this”
Lauren pats Kyle's arm and smiles innocently at him: "don't say that, we'd miss you". Kyle smiles back at her, weakly.
“Maybe we should just deliver the cargo and rush back to Denerim”, says finally Mari “Without questions” Mari curses being so sober tonight.
Lauren glances at Lady Taverline's tent and sighs. “Maybe you are right, but Kyle could use this chance”
“Sounds really good right now”, sighs George. “Going back to the warmth and the in-doors”
“One thing I know for sure”, points Mari out. “We shouldn't use Kyle's surname in front of them until we know a bit more”
“ Indeed”, says Kyle
“Yes, I agree”, nods Lauren
“yes... that sounds like a good idea”. George agrees too.
Kyle sighs and tries to change the subject. “At least you didn’t get mad at me when the lady sit on my lap the other night”, he looks sweetly at Mari.
“ I wasn't angry when the lady wanted to rape you”, she laughs. “I was just enjoying the view… Wondering if you'd faint BEFORE or AFTER she untied her corset”
Kyle regrets having brought that concrete subject now, feeling the danger in it. “MARI”
“Mari, don't even joke about that...”, shivers George “No man should have to suffer that horror....”
Kyle covers his face and eye with his red scarf, wanting to hide under it, and mumbles under his breath: “Maker help me… you are the one who wants to make me faint”
Mari feels like a bad girl, and LIKES it. “I save it for when I untie MY corset”
George is amused by Mari and Kyle, while Lauren sighs again. She thinks she should lecture Mari about personal space Kyle looks at George and Lauren as if begging for help, but Lauren doesn't want to have anything to do with that...Kyle is old enough to deal with his girlfriend's hormones
“Ack ack”. Kyle hyperventilates at the idea of Mari untying her corset in front of him.
“Hey, I'm doing nothing!!!”, Mari laughs. “ ...yet”
“You really think you did nothing huh?”, Kyle asks.
Mari makes innocent face. “What did I do?”
“Oh, she's just teasing you. Relax”, helps her George
Kyle nods at George: “I know but”. Then he looks wickedly at her “I’d like to wash to wash you hair again. A pity there’s no soap …”
“You want me to catch a cold, eh?” she giggles. “I’m still waiting…”
“Talking about soap…”, says George, looking at the blood the fight with Reynal and the others has left in his chest plate, “I wonders how I’ll ever get my armor clean again after all that blood splatter...”
“ Rub it with sand first”, suggests Mari.
“Or oil”, adds Kyle.
“Good idea...”, George agrees, looking at the armour.
Then a short uncomfortable silence follows, and to break it Mari suddenly asks: “So... truth or dare session?”
“pffft... really?”, laughs George “well... why not?”
Lauren bites her mouth "it's been years since I last did this....why not!"
“Dare”, volonteers Kyle quickly.
Mari looks at Kyle “Dare? are you sure?”, putting her most mischievous catlike expression.
Kyle looks at Mari and says with the voice not sure: “ehh yes” , feeling the sweat down his face. Kyle feels uncomfortable
“ You chose dare”, repeats Mari with an ominous tone, enjoying in anticipation. Kyle almost bites his tongue
“You are a brave man Kyle...”, smirks George.
“Oh, I'm not going to be THAT cruel”, says Mari with a sparkle in her eyes which says the opposite. Kyle trembles. “Ok.... kiss...” Mari makes a suspense pause and adds… “Lauren!”
“What?”, says Lauren when hearing her name.
“huh wharrrrttt?” echoes Kyle, almost jumping. George puts a mouth over his mouth not to awake everybody with his laughter. Mari is giggling like crazy
Kyle takes a deep breath and looks seriously at his girlfriend “That’s what you want, right Mari?”. Mari stops laughing, a bit surprise. What is he going to do? “Are you sure?”, he asks again, and suddenly she’s not sure anymore. What if he kisses Lauren the way he has never dared to kiss her?. Even so, she nods.
“ wait....”, stumbles Lauren, embarrassed.
“Hey no laugh at me”. Kyle turns to George “I'm serious”
“You chose dare” Mari repeats, excusing herself.
“Come on! It's just a silly game”. George is still giggling
Kyle frowns, and Mari feels compelled to say something to make the atmosphere less thick. “You can change her for Lady Taverline if you prefer, but that would be too cruel”
Lauren clears her throat, but before she can say anything, Kyle shakes his head like crazy, scared, walks towards her, takes her hand and kisses it softly, gentleman style.
“Awww, cheater!!!”, complains Mari, secretly relieved,
Kyle quickly turns at Mari: “I did, so you can’t say anything. Deal with it”
George rolls his eyes at the hand kiss, but Lauren moves her ears "aw, really?"
Mari smiles at him, proud of the clever move. “Ok, next?”
Kyle points at George: “he wants to play too”
“Oh yes.. I'm next?”
“Why not?”, says Mari.
“Then dare for me too”
“Ok, but kissing Lauren isn't available now”, says Mari scratching her chin. “I'd say kissing Håkan but he's not here”
“What a shame”, winks George.
“Any suggestions?”, says Mari looking around.
Kyle ponders “So… George will kiss mister Cold Feet, right?”
Mari smiles wickedly at the idea “Mister Cold-Feet who is in the sachet Håkan keeps... where?”
“Oh maker...”. George doesn’t know if to laugh or to run away, specially when Lauren gives Mari an evil smile. “The mouse?”
“Yes”, smirks Kyle. “That” ,suddenly thinking he is too evil
“Let me find it”, volunteers Lauren.
“In his crotch?” reminds her Mari
Lauren freezes “Oh”
“In his crotch?”, repeats George, looking at Lauren. “No way”
“GEORGE must get Cold-feet and kiss him”, commands Mari “Without waking him up”
Lauren starts to giggle, so she sits again and tries to control it.
George snorts “Now we're talking!”. He gets up and sneaks quietly to where Håkan is sleeping. Then sits kneels next to the sleeping mage and carefully opens the pouch on the front of Håkan's robes. The mouse peeks out at him. George smiles. He is enjoying this a little bit too much.
Mari giggles with her hand on her mouth, while Lauren tries not to laugh too aloud and wake Håkan.
George goes dirty and decides not to pick up the mouse, but bends down to kiss it, trying to keep from giggling. Håkan moves a bit in his sleep and mumbles, changing his position to one side. Now he has Håkan's bony butt pointing at his nose. Kyle bites his lips
George can't help but giggle a little, but quickly put his hand over his mouth to stop it. Håkan snores, and makes chewing and weird noises with his tongue. George makes another attempt by stretching over Håkan, without touching him, and tries to kiss the mouse again.
Lauren puts both hands on her mouth, and Kyle bites his hand to resist the laugh. This is too fun
Suddenly Håkan opens his eyes and stares at George.
George is in a very awkward position... "Oh... hello there...", he waves.
“What-are-you-doing?” says Håkan deadly serious.
“Uhm.... trying to give some love to your mouse?” George replies, not even blushing. ‘Why does that sound so dirty?’ he thinks to himself.
Lauren cannot control herself anymore and burst out laughing and Mari is literally rolling on the floor laughing
“So George failed”, mutters Kyle slapping on the ground to laugh. “Poor George”
Even if Håkan’s stare could freeze the fireplace, George is still not moving away. He keep frozen in an awkward position, awaiting getting his eyebrows burned off.
“You have three seconds before the fireball” Håkan threatens. “I'd suggest you to start running. Now”
Kyle fakes the voice of a desire demon: “He just does what he wants, oohh, Håkan. Why you deny me, mister Håkan?”
Lauren is laughing so hard that she doesn't produce any sound. Mari can finally stop laughing and says "Hi, Håkan! We're playing Truth or Dare. Wanna join?"
George quickly gets his face away from Håkan's crotch and back on his feet, and runs and hides behind Lauren.
“Ooh...pfttt...good morning...sunshi...pftttt” Lauren starts to laugh again. “Be, George! Hihihi”
Mari bursts out laughing again. “Hey, you chose dare!”, she says to George.
“I was the one who suggested him to kiss mouse”, admits Kyle with an innocent look at Håkan. The mage glares at Kyle trying to make him think it's a sort of ice spell.
“But not taking him from the sachet was his own idea”, adds Mari on behalf of her boyfriend.
“Well what can I say... If I'm going to kiss a bloody mouse I can at least have some fun doing it?”, laughs George. He winks at at Håkan, and get’s another stare back.
“I think you're the winner by now, George”, nods Mari, still laughing.
Lauren pats the soil by her side. “Don't be a spoilsport, come Hoejkan”, and starts to giggle again
“Yeah, join the game!”, agrees Mari. “Truth or dare?”
Håkan yawns “truth or dare?”
Mari nods
“Or what?”
Kyle fakes again voice: “Or you want Ambrose instead of me?”
“Well, I don't think it will be... safe to return to sleep”, ponders Håkan, “even if I could...”. George smiles satisfied. Lauren tries to control herself and stop giggling. Fails. Kyle wink at Mari, and Mari giggles delighted, then he gives Lauren a handkerchief.
“Thanks..hihihi...Kyleee” Lauren coughs and finally stops
“So who's turn?”, asks George.
“Håkan's?”, suggests Mari.
“Mr. sunshine?” George nods to Håkan
“It's turn of mister hot Håkan”, sings Kyle. Lauren bites her lip and waits impatiently, and Mari smiles like a cat. Håkan groans. “Oooh mister Håkan oohh, why you not react?”
“Do I have to choose?”, finally asks the mage.
“Dare or truth?”, asks Lauren
“Truth”, says finally Håkan. He doesn't trust "dare".
“*cough* coward *cough*”, mumbles George.
“You know him better, Lauren”, says Mari looking at her fellow elf. “What dark secret do you want to know about him?”
“Me? but there isn't any....oh…” Lauren thinks for a moment and giggles again “So...tell us...what exactly happened that time with Anders and you....and KARL...?”
Håkan is regretting many things now... “Fridtjof, me and Karl?”
“There were some rumours...” Lauren gives him a little smile and giggles again.
“When?”, asks Håkan “you mean when I broke my arm?”
“Doin WHAT?” Mari doesn't know who those people are but seems an interesting question. Kyle sing for the air is getting hot.
“Sounds like you've had some fun adventures in that tower, Hoakan”, George giggles
“ it was a sad story...”, starts Håkan “I tipped... in a templar... there should be a minimum height for recruits...”
“Oh come on, Hoejkan...”, says Lauren not allowing him to avoid the question. “That time you only *coughs* found them in the wine cellar...” Lauren giggles again and notices how her ears turn red
“OH”, stops Håkan “THAT….”
“Well”, he starts again after a pause. “Senior Enchanter Wynne asked me to fetch some bottles of wine, because no tranquil wanted to give more alcoholic beverages to her... - she was pretty drunk, in fact...”
“ Bet they have good wine at that circle of yours”, ponders Mari.
“And so i went to the cellar to take it...”, continues Håkan ignoring her, “and I was searching the bottle she asked for... when from the top of one of that huge barrels in which tranquils make fermet the ale... that two pervs of Karl and Fridtjof fell... RIGHT ON ME”
Kyle eyebrows.
“I was knocked down, and in that very same moment Irving entered the cell and thought... well, that we were doing something we were not doing...”. Håkan clears his throat. “I mean, that _I_ wasn't doing… the other two were DEFINETLY doing that”
George giggles. “They FELL on you?”
“Yes, George, they fell”, says Håkan “on my back”
Lauren remembers all what was said that week about it and gigglestorts. “So only that?”, she laughs. “Oh, poor you!!” George chuckles
“Yes”, replies Håkan “I think Karl and Fridtjof had a relationship or something...”
“Half of the tower thought you were in that relationship too...”
“So that's where the rumor started...” Håkan mumbles. “I thought it was just because they mistook me for Fridtjof…”
“Hmn?” Lauren asks “What rumour?”
“Everyone thinking I'm gay…when I'm not”
“But you are”
“NO, Lauren, I can assure you”
“” Lauren covers her mouth with a hand, suddenly ashamed “oh Hoeakan, I'm so sorry”
“And the haircut?”, asks Mari.
“Mari,” says Håkan “it's not that there are many barber mages or templars in the tower,
“Oh...dear...all those boys I sent after you”, mutters Lauren
“and i am used to this haircut, now...” suddenly he stops. “All those... WHAT?”
Lauren tries to hide her face in the scarf. it's RED. “I...ah...well, you are so shy... and....oh Maker...well, some boys know, interested and I told them...”. Lauren notices her face burning. “Oh Hoejkan, I'm so sorry, I really am”
Håkan burst out laughing “Oh, that's... that's...”
“ I'M SORRRYYYY!!!” Lauren covers her face with both hands
“Shall we leave you alone?” Mari giggles.
Kyle smiles at her tenderly and yawns. “I think I’m going to bed now, before these two get too lovey-dovey”. Then he kisses her goodbye and goes to sleep. Mari kisses Kyle back, still amused. Meanwhile, George goes for that waterskin with wine in it.
“Oh, I was... and you were the one... Bwahahaha”
“This it not funny! I thought you'd like them! I only sent to you the pretty ones!!”, complains Lauren. “Oh my, I thought I was doing righttttt...”
“The... pretty ones?” Håkan still giggles. “Oh my... that's just too funny... I mean YOU sent them...”
Mari decides someone must change the subject, before the fun is spoiled by Håkan’s protagonism. “Ok, ok, now it's Lauren's turn. Truth or Dare?”
“Yes.ah...I thought...ah..nevermind...” Lauren babbles. “Mine?”
“I think both scare me now!”, Lauren admits. “All right... truth?”
“Okay”. Mari thinks she’ll choose dare in her turn, once that couple stops flirting. “I think is Håkan who should choose the question because he knows you better… But if not I can come up with a very embarrassing question”
Lauren glances at Håkan. Face still red
“Well...”, starts Håkan “I don't know I mean... I have just a question, but it's quite embarassing...
“Then go ahead, embarrassing is the key”, snorts Mari. George has a bad feeling about this
“...for me, I mean” Håkan continues.
“Why didn't I go to sleep...” complains Lauren.
“ Cheater” mumbles Mari
“...uh...I think I'd prefer your question to Mari's” Lauren stares at her.
“Well... you said you thought I was gay, but...” Håkan hesitates, then he shoots “you seriously never realized that I had a crush on you when we were young?”
George takes a big sip of that wine.
Mari decides Håkan is no fun for this game. He’s using it in his own benefice.
Lauren blinks “What?. That you had a what on what?” Lauren blinks again
“I take you didn't...” mumbles Håkan, stating the obvious.
“Hey, it's no deal if you answer for her”
“He had a crush on you and still does...” George drinks more wine. Lauren gives a frozen look to George and turns to Håkan again
“But you were my friend, I thought you were just...nice…” stammers Lauren “I...thought of you just as Glenda and Hanna...or my sister Nora” Håkan sniffs, at the edge of tears. Lauren puffs and rolls her eyes "Oh, great, anything I did right?"
“ I think you worded the question wrong, Håkan. It was "you seriously never realized I'm still absolutely head over heels about you?"”, says Mari “And the answer, clearly, was NOT”
“Oh, no, I...”
“Bandages must be taken off fast”, snaps Mari at the mage, a bit pissed off. George stares at the ground and takes another sip of wine
“I mean, I'm over her... that was a teenage crush, I...” stammers Håkan “I mean, I still find you absolutely adorable, but...”
“Yesyesyes, as if it wasn't clear now”, says Mari, in an elder sister tone.
“ I...” Håkan blushes to a shade of red not even Kyle was able to reach before.
Lauren blushes and hides her face in the scarf again “Yeah...sure...”
“Eugh... Isn't someone else's turn like NOW?”, George is not amused. George lost both his primary targets in one shot.
“Ah...yes...that...” Lauren blushes to death, ears burning
“I think the game is spoiled now”, frowns Mari, disappointed because it was her turn.
“Come on, are you going to kiss now so we all can go to bed???”
Lauren tries to cool her face with her hands “ what?”
“WHAT?” echoes Håkan
Lauren glances at Håkan. “no..wait! ah.. we're friends....”
“I remind her of her sister!”, he adds.
Lauren coughs "ah...and that too..." Lauren takes her book and stands up “I should go to sleep. Ah...uh...shouldn't have drunk that head... *cough* Good night you all...”
Mari yawns and looks at Kyle's bedroll, hoping he doesn't start to snore before she gets asleep. Seems the mages couple’s libido level is now under zero. Mari glares at Håkan.
“I'm going to sleep too, thanks”
“Yes, we... we all should...”. Håkan glances at George “unless HE's taking the first turn”
“I should take the first turn...”, George agrees.
“Thanks kind of you...”, mumbles Lauren. “Dammit, where did Ambrose go?” Lauren starts to look for him. She doesn't like letting him out at night
“Ok, I'll stay up with you, George”, says Håkan “I don't trust you being awake when I sleep anymore”
“Lovely”, snorts George
Mari mumbles "spoilsports", curls besides Kyle and gets to sleep. Then she realizes somerthing green and wet is under her blanket. “Eeeck!!!”, she shouts. “Lauren!”
“I think I found him”
Lauren raises her head from the bush “Oh! Thank you!”
Mari lends Lauren Ambrose from one leg. “Seems Cold-feet has been teaching him some tricks”
Lauren takes Ambrose carefully and puts him into the flask again and giggles "They're fast learners"
Mari mumbles "Birds of a feather"
Lauren heads to her bedroll and waves "night"
George is still comforting himself with wine. “Night, Lauren.”
“Good night everybody!”, says Mari, curling again besides Kyle. But Lauren is already asleep, with a little snoring.

Håkan: "Problem Greaogoir?" :icontrollfaceplz:
Greagoir: "Problem Andy?" :icondealwithittrollplz:
Håkan: :iconohnoesplz:
So, that's how AndyHåkan managed to get permission to leave the tower. Official permission, I have to say.
And yes, Ander's real name will keep changing through the story... :

Kyle quote and handwriting.

Håkan and Lauren in their Tower days, when he used to have a teenage crush on her (but now he moved on... soooo on... :roll: liar

I also managed to sort a decent pattern out of the game textures, so I could give the apprentice robe a proper look! :dummy:

Title: Card Game. ENSHA
oc's from :iconthemerrymabari: Leon(c)*HeartbeatSonata, Antoine(c)me, Angelina(c)=drathe, Kyle(c)~kylemallory, Erre(c)*Maralae